Nurturing global minds in the heart of Tokyo, Phoenix House ignites curiosity and excellence, recognized as a Beacon by COBIS.

Nurturing global minds in the heart of Tokyo, Phoenix House ignites curiosity and excellence, and is recognised as a Beacon by COBIS.
Phoenix House is a 300-capacity international primary school located in the prime area of Tokyo's Chiyoda ward, within walking distance from the British Embassy in Tokyo and the Imperial Palace.
Established in 2021, Phoenix House caters to pupils aged 5 to 11. True to its name, the school follows the model of British prep schools, celebrating the "House" system, and providing attentive care in small class settings to understand the diverse curiosities, abilities, and personalities of each pupil during their early education. In 2023, the school was recognized by COBIS, an international school accreditation organisation, as one of the Beacon Schools leading globally.
The Phoenix House campus features classrooms, a dining hall, gymnasium, science labs, music room, private instrument practice rooms, dance studio with Harlequin Floors, library, and art gallery. The curriculum emphasises language acquisition including English, Japanese, French, and Chinese.
Phoenix House International Schoolは英国大使館や皇居から徒歩圏内の東京千代田区の一等地に立地する定員288名のインターナショナルスクールで、2021年に5~11歳を対象とする初等学校として設立されました。
校名に”House”が含まれていることが示すように、初等教育段階の一人一人の生徒の多様な好奇心、能力と個性を把握し、少人数制で手厚いケアを行う英国のプレップスクール(私立名門小学校)をモデルとし、同質的な公教育とは一線を画しています。2023年には国際学校認証機関のCOBISにより、世界をリードする模範校Beacon Schoolの一つとして選出されました。